Thursday, August 24, 2006

Peaches Come From a Can!

Hold Still Peach!, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

So I've started eating some of the same food that Daddy and Mommy eat! First, I had some cantelope (I think that is a deer from a can) that they got at the Farmer's Market. But this past Saturday they picked up a box of peaches heavier than I am! So they have let me eat slimy pieces of peach. They are very difficult to pick up, but they taste better than bananas.

My pal Vash and his little skinny friend Snoopy like to lick all the left over peach pieces off of me after Mommy puts me back on the floor.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Grandma Atch and Me!

Grandma Atch and Me!, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

Grandma Atch came to visit last weekend. She was lots of fun. They took me for a walk, shopping, and she played the Pop-Goes-The-Woozel game until she couldn't hold me any more!

She is doing Aztrek now, or soon will anyway, so she had to leave.

Aunt Jodi is coming tomorrow, so maybe she will bounce me around, or at least give me more chocolate pudding! Yum!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Day The Milk Went Away

Fridge Before
Fridge After

Mommy and Daddy decided that all of my backup food supply is getting old and funky. So mommy cleaned up the freezer. I had lots of fun playing with the milk, but I could not figure out how to actually eat it. It seemed a lot more clumpy and cold than I remember.

Wow, time to eat!

Friday, August 04, 2006

My Buddy Joshua is Huge!

Mommy brings me to see Joshua every week or so. Joshua is only half my age, but he is already as big as I am! He cries a lot more, maybe that is because he eats too much? He doesn't do much, he can't roll around and sit up, but boy can that kid eat! He eats as much at one sitting as I eat in a whole day.

Joshua has an older brother Cole, and he likes to play with me, but he plays kind of rough. One day I want to be big like Cole so I can play video games too!

Anyway, I have a cold right now, so I might not be able to post for a few days. Mommy keeps putting drops up my nose and then sucking them up with a big blue horrible thing. I wish she would just let me be health again so I can feel better.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Video: Jonah Stroll

Jonah Cool J, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

So I finally finished my DVD from week 15 to 18. Here is a video I put together of Mommy pushing me around the Lake. Don't get sea sick!!.

Jonah's Lake Stroll