Grandpa got Daddy 6 new PX3 clubs for Christmas! I think they are the greatest things ever! Here is a video of me playing with the cool clubs! I carried these all over the house today. Just a little bit taller and I'll be able to juggle these just like daddy!
Today Barb the neighbor lady came over to take some pictures, and Daddy and Mommy got her passing clubs with them. I guess she knows how to juggle balls and Boxes of Cigars and Rings. She gave me her old swimming pool, so she is a cool lady. Of course it is kind of cold to go swimming now, but maybe in the spring it will be warm enough to go swimming again.
Here is a video of me juggling! I also included a little video of mommy and daddy trying to poison me with multi grain elbows, whatever those are. Daddy is way at the end. He looks silly when he is learning new tricks. (He looks silly even when he knows them. He is a silly daddy.)
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