Above is the video, what follows are pictures of my arduous journey as I ran away from home.
First I dropped my brushi, hat, and glove.
Then I ran across the lawn.
Then I looked both ways before going on the sidewalk.
Ran past the mail box.
Past Sunny and Aspen's Driveway.
Then to Sunny and Aspen's cool bush. (I spy with my little eye, something yummy in the gutter! Oh Boy!)
Ooooh, pretty flowers!
Then to the magical glowing octagon, but Mommy grabbed me before I could attain it's power and take over the world.
The octagon stopped glowing, so I came home again!
Jonah! Look out! There is a clumsy, unsure-footed stalker lady following you! I think it might be one of those kidnappers - they take you and force you to take naps. I always hated naps when I was a kid: for as long as I can remember at any rate. On the other hand, I think you can take her. :-)
So glad you came home, little man!
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