When we got to New Lisbon, we were planning to stay in a hotel; however, due to the biggest Wedding in the history of New Lisbon, all of the hotels for 30 miles around were full.
So daddy set up a tent in auntie Eunice's yard and he stayed there with Cousin Adam and Brody. They tried to get me to come into the cave, but since I had seen Charlie the Unicorn, I knew not to go too close!
Notice in the picture that a horrible hairy cat tongue thing is trying to take cousin adam's Kidney. Needless to say, I'm glad I was staying in Adam's room where I could be safe playing with scissors in my Pack-And-Play crib.
Moral of the story: Those who live in glass houses should not invite opera singers to dinner.
Wow! sounds dangerous, did the brown evil animal eat cousin Adam's liver? Looks vicious. Were there giant misquitoes? Did you survive? Watch out for those brown tongue lashing little creatures!
I'm alright. As it turns out, that was actually a Magical Leopluradon.
Shun the non-believers! Shuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn....
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