Well, sorry for no updates for a while. Daddy has been hogging the computer downloading drivers and RMAing parts trying to build the ultimate Oblivion machine. Here you can see how he is even making me help. I cry and cry, but he just wipes up the tears and tells me to stop snivelling and grow up.
Anyway, hopefully I can convince him to hook up my computer. Now that Oblivion is out I should be able to blog on his old machine. Or maybe he will be so busy playing he will forget I exist.
Happy Days
Well, in the month since I last was able to sneak away to update my blog,
I've had lots of fun! Here is a video of me playing on my awesome mat! It
is lots...
16 years ago
I know just how you feel Jonah.
My brother Brody (who is also your 2nd cousin, btw) recently bought a bunch of parts off of newegg to build a new dream machine (the reason why is still a bit sketchy). Guess who got stuck spending hours and hours getting it to work, instead of doing their projects, homework, and labs?
Then, after spending a whole night debugging the hardware (only to discover the power switch wasn't hooked up correctly), I probably put in another 10 hours over the next week trying to solve a mysterious graphics glitch. In the end, Brody flashed his BIOS to a newer version on a whim, and that fixed it good. Ho, Hum. THEN, 2 nights ago (about 3 weeks with the new system) Brody decides to use Partition Magic to re-letter his main drive from D: to C:. The reason: to fix some error a PS1 emulator was giving him about a log file on non his non-existant C drive. So, instead of working on my Seminar Presentation, I stayed up til 2am working on that, only to come to the conclusion he needed to reinstall windows. Arg.
At any rate, I got my Seminar Presentation done; gave it today, and it seemed to go well. It was on OS Virtualization.
Now, when I build my computer this summer with all the $$ I'm making at my new job I should have a better idea of what I want in my system, seeing what Brody got / didn't get. That reminds me, tell your dad that I got a job for now and for the summer as a Software Tech for Avista Inc, right here in Platteville. I'm writing Node tests on the software to run the Boeing 767 Refueler for Smiths Aerospace. It's only $10.69/hr, but looks real nice on a resume for when I get a salary job out of school! :-)
Wow, this Comment is turning into more of a sub-blog entry. Maybe I should just make my own blog someday.
Jonah, you should do some l33t h4x on ur dads new PC. That'd get him back for slave laboring you.
Ha, I got Daddy's computer up and running. His new computer's CPU is running 40C and Northbridge 45C under load.
He won't let me play Oblivion yet though. Hopefully he gives me this computer one day though... I can't wait to play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
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