Here is a link to Grandpa's Flicker Blog. I don't know if he has any public pictures though, so you might only see pictures if you are family and are logged into flicker. (Grandpa should try logging out of flickr and see if he can see anything.)
Maybe Grandpa has a Blogspot blog too? I don't know. I'm just 2 months old so how would I know things like this?
On another note, here is what I want to build one day. Hopefully daddy has enough legos: Lego Air Craft Carrier
p.s. Could someone give me feedback on this picture? It is a "private" picture, but daddy helped me use his 1337 h4x0r sk1llz to put the image here. I think if you click on it nothing much happens except you get a message saying there are no public pictures to see. But maybe you don't even see the picture to start with? (I think once you know the link to the picture you can use it though.)
I see the picture. It looks like you barfing up on ur grandma. However, when I click on the link to Uncle Tom's (that's Grandpa Day to you) flickr blog, i get "There are no photos in Granpa Day's thingy", or some such thing.
I'm not sure I even know how to log into flickr, or have an account. How would flickr know that I am family unless Uncle Tom told flickr I was. I feel your confusion Jonah, and I am 266 months old!
Just to let you know I can see the pictures on Grandpa's flickr, and very good they are nice to see a guy washing up for a change ;)
Glad the happy kicks were fun, keep it up and you'll soon be a famous football player, dancer, basketball player, rocket scientist, or whatever you choose to be :)
Hugs from the UK and regards to Vash
Thanks for the feedback! I think Granpa Day finally put some pictures up for everyone. ^_^ Nice to know I can link to private photos... but that is kind of scary too.
Adam: Aren't you a computer guru or something? You are supposed to just know how any internet site works. I hope your professors don't find out you can't use flickr... or you will have to go back to kindergarten with me!
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