Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

P3210033, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

So mommy and daddy keep leaving me in this crib thing with a big green and blue horsie. He is a fun horsie, he likes to tap dance on my head and stomp his hoofs on my chest, but sometimes I get so hungry waiting for them to come back that I try to eat the horsie. So far I'm not having much luck since I don't have teeth, but maybe if I drool on him enough he will get soft enough for me to gum-to-death?


Noffie said...
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Jonah Thomas said...

Yes I could, if I turned on the option...

... but I'm lazy from eating so the option is off.

Jonah Thomas said...

Before I modded him down to 0,

"Adam Nofsinger said...

Repeat!!! Repeat!!!

Can Jonah mod down my comments, ala slashdot?

4:29 PM "