Saturday, January 28, 2006

Vash sniffed me!

Vash sniffing Jonah, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

After watching an episode of Lost, I was pretty tired. Vash kept sniffing me for some reason, maybe he is checking to see if I have some treats for him? I think that Phillip Glass is pretty fun... Daddy was showing us all Powaqqatsi, and Vash kept barking at all the people. Later when we watched a dog show, vash was trying to climb into the TV to sniff the Bulldog!!

Vash guarding Jonah, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

1 comment:

Noffie said...

Hey Jonah! This is your 2nd cousin, Adam-san! Looks like I get to be the first to post a comment on your blog and see if you actually read them (well, have your dad read them unto you, since you probably can't read yet). Oh, but just so you know when you grow up, it's not very good netiquette to post a comment just to be the first to do so.

Anyhow, live long and prosper little dude! I'll be sure to check your blog often, and make plenty of more comments.

PS. Try to learn to read pretty soon, so that you can write me back!