Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

P3210033, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

So mommy and daddy keep leaving me in this crib thing with a big green and blue horsie. He is a fun horsie, he likes to tap dance on my head and stomp his hoofs on my chest, but sometimes I get so hungry waiting for them to come back that I try to eat the horsie. So far I'm not having much luck since I don't have teeth, but maybe if I drool on him enough he will get soft enough for me to gum-to-death?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Child Labor S0X0RS

P3140017, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

Well, sorry for no updates for a while. Daddy has been hogging the computer downloading drivers and RMAing parts trying to build the ultimate Oblivion machine. Here you can see how he is even making me help. I cry and cry, but he just wipes up the tears and tells me to stop snivelling and grow up.


Anyway, hopefully I can convince him to hook up my computer. Now that Oblivion is out I should be able to blog on his old machine. Or maybe he will be so busy playing he will forget I exist.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hands: They're GREAT! (But Fickle)

P3060043, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

So recently I discovered these weird things that kind of float around me that daddy and mommy call "hands". I'm not sure why they float around, but when they go into my mouth, it makes me happy!

Sometimes I wake up at night because they go flopping all over the place. I try talking to them to ask them to come into my mouth, but they ignore me. So then I try screaming at them, and they still ignore me.

But finally, daddy or mommy will come and take those squirelly hands and put them into my mouth. Then I'm happy again.

Maybe one day I'll figure out how to catch those hand thingies.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Dedication!

Today mommy and daddy and Dave Schroeder and everyone else at Bethany E-Free Church dedicated me to Jesus.

Here is a video of it!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Grandpa's Flicker Blog!

Here is a link to Grandpa's Flicker Blog. I don't know if he has any public pictures though, so you might only see pictures if you are family and are logged into flicker.
(Grandpa should try logging out of flickr and see if he can see anything.)

Maybe Grandpa has a Blogspot blog too? I don't know. I'm just 2 months old so how would I know things like this?

On another note, here is what I want to build one day. Hopefully daddy has enough legos: Lego Air Craft Carrier

p.s. Could someone give me feedback on this picture? It is a "private" picture, but daddy helped me use his 1337 h4x0r sk1llz to put the image here. I think if you click on it nothing much happens except you get a message saying there are no public pictures to see. But maybe you don't even see the picture to start with? (I think once you know the link to the picture you can use it though.)

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Happy Kicks!

Jonah smiles March 4th, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

I have really started to like kicking. I don't know why, but I like to just kick and smile at mommy and daddy. Daddy put this silly frog on my hand, and it is kind of in the way for getting my fist in my mouth, but I guess it is cool.

I've learned that if I smile just right, daddy will tickle me and play patty cake with me. Mommy never seems to feed me if I'm happy though, so I sometimes have to cry.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Video before Dinner!

Here is a video daddy took of me watching my mobile! This is just before dinner time. Sorry the light is so bad, I guess the low light capabilities of daddies camera work better with tape than onto the silly Memory Stick!

Hello March 1st

Here is a video for G-Ma, G-Pa, Grandma and Grandpa! It was taken using the 16 Meg memory stick mode of daddy's camera. I can't say I'm impressed, but it was trivial to upload.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We went to the park!!!

P2280013, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

Okay, so this is a picture of me just before going to the park, and not actually AT the park, but daddy only brought the video camera and he didn't think to take any real pictures until it was too dark and they just look like me in the baby carriage in a big black hole.

Anyway, it was a warm day here today (80) so daddy and mommy brought me to the park! There was a bull dog (Beuford), and a teenie mouse dog, and huge alpaca dog, a yellow dog, and a few other babies (they were all bigger than me I think).

The ducks and geese were kind of scary, but they stayed away and terrorized other kids instead of me.

Anyway, it tired me out and I slept for 5 hours when we got home. Mommy and daddy are happy to finally be getting some sleep I think. Hopefully I'm not getting too skinny.

Grandma Susan said goodbye. :-(

P2250004, originally uploaded by JonahChan.

Grandma left Monday. She took Daddy's truck away, but Grandpa and Grandma helped them get a new Honda Odyssee. Mommy said Grandma has never been so hesitant to leave before. I guess she is down in New Mexico today, maybe now that she knows how to use her iBook she will start her own blog and we will know where she is?

Anyway, Monday was kind of boring since only Mommy was around, but I guess I'll get used to it.