Monday, August 03, 2009

Camping at Mueller State Park!

Last weekend Daddy brought me camping to Mueller State Park!

The trip there was really boring, and it was a lot of hard work bringing all of the camping gear up to the campsite. Daddy wanted me to hold the corner of the tent to help put it up, but there were too many trees to look at to be bothered with that, so I let Daddy put up the tent all by himself.

We got a fire going, but I don't know why, the people at the next spot over had a fire and had s'mores. But I had to eat my hotdog before Daddy would let me have any popcorn or s'mores. I think we should just eat marshmallows for supper when we are camping.

Saturday it was really cold, but the fire was boring so I liked sitting on the cold picnic table and saying I'm freezing instead of being bored by the fire. I got to pee on a tree three times Saturday!

Then we went fishing at 11 mile reservoir... but I don't actually think there are any fish there since we didn't see any.

Finally on the way home we stopped by The Donut Mill and I got to get a giant donut!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Snowmen!


Last weekend we had lots of snow so daddy made me help him make a snowman. It was lots of fun, but I would rather read books and color. We went sledding too, but that was scary because the hill is too steep and it was really icy.

This is a picture of what is left of the snowmen now. Zachy melted, but you can still see mommy, daddy and me.

I hope the snow all melts soon.