Friday, August 04, 2006

My Buddy Joshua is Huge!

Mommy brings me to see Joshua every week or so. Joshua is only half my age, but he is already as big as I am! He cries a lot more, maybe that is because he eats too much? He doesn't do much, he can't roll around and sit up, but boy can that kid eat! He eats as much at one sitting as I eat in a whole day.

Joshua has an older brother Cole, and he likes to play with me, but he plays kind of rough. One day I want to be big like Cole so I can play video games too!

Anyway, I have a cold right now, so I might not be able to post for a few days. Mommy keeps putting drops up my nose and then sucking them up with a big blue horrible thing. I wish she would just let me be health again so I can feel better.

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