Thursday, December 06, 2007

JJ the Dinosaur!

Aunt Jodi and Uncle Jeremy gave me a really cool dinosaur for Christmas (early). I really liked the roar in the store coming out of a box, but it is kind of scary coming from JJ.

More Pictures:

(Dawn, Richard or Fran, what do you see above? It is an iframe slideshow with an alternate picture that links to my tag set. I'm hoping you see the slideshow, but you didn't see the last one... so if not I hope you see an image that links to the pictures.)

1 comment:

Noffie said...

When I look at your slide show in Firefox, it is a slideshow. When I look at it in Google Reader in Firefox, it is a picture that links to

I did notice that your iframe seems to be a little too narrow. The pictures scale down to fit, but some of the controls stretch outside of the iframe. I tried 500px instead of 400px with firebug, and that seems to be what was intended.

Is that a 'widget' you downloaded from somewhere or something? The javascript they load the flash with doesn't workaround the Internet Explorer "Click to activate this control" issue. SWFObject seems to for me:

Sorry I went technical all over your fun blog there for a bit Jonah! :-( JJ looks awesome? He really growls at you?